Maestro-Solutions for

AML/Compliance Program Evaluation

Evaluate your AML/Compliance program:
Big picture, are you sure you are compliant?


With so many detailed statutory laws and regulatory rules to implement and follow, it is hard to know if all the “dots” are joined up. And disconnected dots present a huge risk!

It is essential to periodically assess the effectiveness of your AML/Compliance program; is it performing as specified and can you evidence your commitment to thorough compliance oversight?


Using the Maestro-Solution, firms can periodically assess the effectiveness of their AML/Compliance program, identify weaknesses and address them to close off legal/regulatory risks.


• Have policies/procedures been reviewed/updated and implemented?
• Have employees been informed and trained on policies/procedures?
• Do senior management sponsor the implementation of policies/procedures?


• Are checks and controls automatically built into the organization's processes and systems?
• Has the status of the organization's AML/Compliance program been tested and the results reported to senior management?


• Are identified exceptions investigated, assessed and resolved promptly?
• Where failures of processes/controls are identified, are these rectified?
• Does the organization take appropriate disciplinary action, where warranted?


Prove Compliance – Evidence your Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

Automate GRC – Run manual checks and processes automatically

Low Cost – Quick and easy to use + low pricing