Maestro-Solutions for

Charities & Not-for-Profits

Charities have to demonstrate high standards to maintain public support for their mission.


Charities hold a unique place in our society – they are trusted by their patrons and government to provide welfare.

At the core of every charity is their “mission”. Each charity must demonstrably strive to achieve their mission while complying with government imposed laws in the jurisdictions they operate.


GRC-Maestro helps charities and not-for-profits implement the processes, checks, controls and management oversight required to ensure they can demonstrate their compliance.

Using GRC-Maestro, charities and not-for-profits can evidence full compliance with statutory/regulatory rules, best practices and internal constitution:


Each charity is unique, but they all need to implement governance best practices appropriate to their size and complexity.
Governance requirements can come from statutory laws, internal constitution or voluntary codes of best practice.

Compliance Attestation

Directors/Trustees, in some jurisdictions, are required to complete an annual attestation of compliance. The attestation can relate to the Directors/Trustees personal conduct and/or the operations of the charity/not-for-profit.

AML Requirements

In some instances, charities have been unknowingly used to launder the proceeds of crime and/or propagate criminal activities. Instances of money laundering are rare, charity Directors/Trustees need to have relevant Anti-Money Laundering (AML) checks and controls in place.


It is essential for charities/not-for-profits to comply with statutory law, regulatory rules and internally imposed policies/procedures:
1. Registers - Including: conflicts or interests, gifts & entertaining, suspicious activities, etc..
2. Monitoring - Ensure checks and controls are operating as specified.
3. Reporting - Give Directors/Trustees comfort that the charity/not-for-profit is operating in compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements.


Prove Compliance – Evidence your Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

Automate GRC – Run manual checks and processes automatically

Low Cost – Quick and easy to use + low pricing